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Towels -- Disposable 

towels_in_pack1.jpg (48979 個位元組)
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Disposable towels in pack with tong

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Disposable towels in bulk

Towels --  multi-use

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Multi use towels with jacquard logo 

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Hotel towel set 


All products are produced to individual customer specifications in terms of weight, colour, size, form of identification.  Options include jacquard / print / embroidered logos.

Three Stars International Corporation Ltd

2104C, 21 Floor, Admiralty Centre Tower 1,  No. 18 Harcourt Rd., Hong Kong
Tel: +852 - 2332 3832         Fax: +852 - 2384 4608
Email: info@3starscorp.com

1986-2002 © 3STARS

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